Microsoft Gamification Marketing Case Study

Matching Game

Simple and fun educational game
utilizing metaverse concepts

The Background

We wanted to create this Microsoft gamification marketing case study to detail the process of creating an extremely successful gamification marketing project.

The Microsoft marketing team reached out to us with an open RFP to create an innovative and efficient way to market the upcoming Microsoft Defender.

Additionally, they asked us to include as many Microsoft 365 products as we could.

The complex element was creating something fun and simple that users would want to spend time on while still including many educational elements.

We won the contract because we used our extensive knowledge of the metaverse, where we broke down the metaverse concepts and combined them with the mobile-first way today's users interact with technology.

We also included the educational element, where we educated the users about cybersecurity in a fun way, which worked great with the general theme of promoting Microsoft Defender.

The Project

Our main goal was to focus on the user, we wanted to create an experience where users would love to spend time, and this meant that it needed to be super simple to access.

The main metaverse element we used was gamification, the gamification allowed users to spend more time on the experience, which would expose them to the various Microsoft 365 tips, logos and marketing messages that were discretely placed all over the interface.

We created a unique game where the user needs to aim and match 3 Microsoft 365 logos together. The more they match, the better their score.

As a metaverse agency, we are always looking for the ability to immerse users. So we used the users' knowledge of cybersecurity as a reward for being able to get power-ups and re-try the game.

This meant that users could test their cybersecurity knowledge as the users with the highest scores would have needed to answer questions to get power-ups and bonuses.

We ended up with a game that was so successful it even exceeded our own expectations.

The Result

The result exceeded everyone's expectations.
Especially the time spent on app.

The average user spent 5 minutes on the experience! And replayed the game almost twice (1.87 average replays per person).

Here are the detailed results:

- 5m02s Average Time Spent Playing
- 2.4% CTR
- 1.91 Average Replays per person

The client was more than impressed with the results, this is clearly showcased by the reviews they shared.

The truly exceptional results are complemented by the versatility and re-useability of the app because of its mobile-first nature and the ease of use.

Due to it's popularity and versatility, the experience was already used for a partnership with Best Buy to sell Microsoft 365. There are a lot more plans to use it for marketing across Microsoft as it has received a lot of praise from within the organisation.

For us, this app meant that we secured an innovative partner with Microsoft, as we became their official long-term supplier.

Microsoft Gamification Marketing Case Study

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