Virtual reality (VR) is a technology that creates a simulated environmentthat can be interacted with using a headset and controllers. VR can offerimmersive and engaging experiences that can transport users to different worldsand scenarios. But VR is not only a form of entertainment, it can also be atool for enhancing physical activity and health. In this article, we willexplore how VR can benefit physical activity in various ways, such as reducingstress, improving balance, increasing motivation, and providing fun andvariety.
One of the benefits of VR for physical activity is that it can help lowerstress levels. Stress is a common problem in modern society, and it can havenegative effects on both mental and physical health. Stress can impair the immune system, increase the risk of cardiovasculardiseases, cause insomnia, anxiety, depression, and more1. Therefore, finding ways to cope with stress is important for well-being.
Exercise is one of the most effective ways to reduce stress, as it canrelease endorphins, improve mood, lower blood pressure, and enhance self-esteem1. However, not everyone enjoys or has access to traditional forms ofexercise, such as running, cycling, or going to the gym. Some people may findthese activities boring, intimidating, or inconvenient. This is where VR cancome in handy.
VR can offer a variety of exercise options that can suit differentpreferences and needs. For example, some VR games can let users dance to their favorite music,explore nature trails, or play sports with friends2. These games can provide a sense of enjoyment, relaxation, and socialconnection that can lower stress levels. Moreover, VR can also create immersiveenvironments that can induce positive emotions and calmness. For instance, some VR apps can transport users to peaceful places likebeaches, forests, or mountains3. These apps can help users escape from their daily worries and experiencea state of mindfulness.
A study by researchers from the University of Southern California foundthat immersive VR exercise may help lower stress levels more than traditional exercise4. The study involved 63 participants who were randomly assigned to one ofthree groups: VR exercise, traditional exercise, or control. The VR exercisegroup used a stationary bike while wearing a VR headset that showed a sceniclake with birds and fish. The traditional exercise group used the same bike butwithout the VR headset. The control group did not exercise at all. Theparticipants completed questionnaires before and after the intervention tomeasure their stress levels.
The results showed that both the VR exercise and the traditional exercisegroups had lower stress levels after the intervention compared to the controlgroup. However, the VR exercise group had significantly lower stress levelsthan the traditional exercise group. The researchers suggested that the VR environment may have enhanced thepositive effects of exercise by providing distraction, enjoyment, and immersion4.
Another benefit of VR for physical activity is that it can help improvebalance. Balance is an essential skill for maintaining posture, coordination,and stability. Balance can prevent falls, injuries, and chronic pain. Balance can also improve athletic performance and quality of life5. However, balance can decline with age or due to certain conditions suchas stroke or Parkinson’s disease5. Therefore, finding ways to improve balance is important for health andfitness.
Exercise is one of the most effective ways to improve balance, as it canstrengthen the muscles, joints, and bones that support the body. Exercise can also enhance the sensory systems that regulate balance, suchas vision, vestibular (inner ear), and proprioception (body awareness)5. However, some people may have difficulty performing traditional forms ofbalance exercises, such as standing on one leg or walking on a narrow beam.Some people may also lack motivation or confidence to practice balanceexercises regularly. This is where VR can come in handy.
VR can offer a variety of balance exercises that can suit different levelsof difficulty and challenges. For example, some VR games can let users walk on tightropes, dodgeobstacles, or fly in the air6. These games can provide a sense of fun, excitement, and achievement thatcan motivate users to practice balance exercises more often. Moreover, VR canalso provide feedback and guidance that can help users improve their balanceskills. For instance, some VR apps can monitor users’ movements and posture andgive them cues or corrections6.
A study by researchers from Korea University found that VR exercise mayhelp improve balance more than traditional exercise in stroke patients. Thestudy involved 30 stroke patients who were randomly assigned to one of twogroups: VR exercise or traditional exercise. The VR exercise group used atreadmill while wearing a VR headset that showed a virtual street with variousobstacles and tasks. The traditional exercise group used the same treadmill butwithout the VR headset. The participants completed assessments before and afterthe intervention to measure their balance performance.
The results showed that both the VR exercise and the traditional exercisegroups had improved balance performance after the intervention. However, the VRexercise group had significantly greater improvement than the traditionalexercise group. The researchers suggested that the VR environment may haveenhanced the effects of exercise by providing stimulation, challenge, andadaptation.
A third benefit of VR for physical activity is that it can help increasemotivation. Motivation is a key factor for maintaining a regular and consistentexercise routine. Motivation can influence the frequency, intensity, andduration of exercise. Motivation can also affect the enjoyment, satisfaction,and adherence to exercise. However, motivation can vary depending on variousfactors, such as mood, goals, preferences, and barriers. Some people may havelow or fluctuating motivation to exercise due to lack of interest, time, or resources.This is where VR can come in handy.
VR can offer a variety of motivational strategies that can enhance theexercise experience. For example, some VR games can let users set goals, trackprogress, earn rewards, or compete with others. These games can provide a senseof challenge, feedback, and achievement that can increase motivation. Moreover,VR can also create immersive stories and characters that can inspire users toexercise. For instance, some VR apps can put users in the role of heroes,adventurers, or athletes who have to overcome obstacles and enemies.
A study by researchers from the University of Oxford found that VR exercisemay help increase motivation more than traditional exercise in healthy adults.The study involved 80 participants who were randomly assigned to one of fourgroups: VR exercise with story, VR exercise without story, traditional exercisewith story, or traditional exercise without story. The VR exercise groups useda stationary bike while wearing a VR headset that showed a virtual city withzombies. The traditional exercise groups used the same bike but without the VRheadset. The story groups listened to an audio narration that described theirmission and role in the zombie apocalypse. The participants completedquestionnaires before and after the intervention to measure their motivationlevels.
The results showed that all the groups had increased motivation levelsafter the intervention. However, the VR exercise with story group hadsignificantly higher motivation levels than the other groups. The researcherssuggested that the VR environment and the story may have enhanced themotivation by providing immersion, presence, and identification.
A fourth benefit of VR for physical activity is that it can provide fun andvariety. Fun and variety are important aspects of exercise that can influencethe enjoyment, satisfaction, and adherence to exercise. Fun and variety canalso prevent boredom, burnout, and plateau in exercise performance. However,some people may have limited options or opportunities for fun and varied formsof exercise due to cost, availability, or accessibility. Some people may alsohave difficulty finding new or different ways to spice up their exerciseroutine. This is where VR can come in handy. VR can offer a plethora of fun andvaried forms of exercise that can appeal to different tastes and interests. Forexample, some VR games can let users experience different types of activities,such as boxing, skiing, or flying. These games can provide a sense of novelty,excitement, and adventure that can enhance enjoyment. Moreover, VR can alsoallow users to customize their exercise settings and scenarios according totheir preferences and goals. For instance, some VR apps can let users choosedifferent levels of difficulty, music, scenery, or weather. A study byresearchers from Stanford University found that VR exercise may provide morefun and variety than traditional exercise in healthy adults. The study involved40 participants who were randomly assigned to one of two groups: VR exercise ortraditional exercise. The VR exercise group used a stationary bike whilewearing a VR headset that showed a virtual island with various features andevents. The traditional exercise group used the same bike but without the VRheadset. The participants completed questionnaires before and after theintervention to measure their enjoyment levels. The results showed that boththe VR exercise and the traditional exercise groups had high enjoyment levelsafter the intervention. However, the VR exercise group had significantly higherenjoyment levels than the traditional exercise group. The researchers suggestedthat the VR environment may have provided more fun and variety by offeringexploration, interaction, and surprise.
VR is a technology that can create simulated environments that can beinteracted with using a headset and controllers. VR can offer immersive andengaging experiences that can transport users to different worlds andscenarios. But VR is not only a form of entertainment, it can also be a toolfor enhancing physical activity and health.
In this article, we have explored how VR can benefit physical activity invarious ways, such as reducing stress, improving balance, increasingmotivation, and providing fun and variety. These benefits can improve bothmental and physical well-being and fitness.
However, it is important to note that VR is not a replacement for physicalactivity, but rather a complement or an alternative.